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Sarah Parr is a nonprofit management consultant who believes that a healthy nonprofit organization centers the needs of its staff as much as those of its constituents and funders. Having strong, values-based policies and organizational structures helps with employee retention, morale, and provides staff with the benefits and tools that they need to thrive and be successful.

Taking the time to focus on building organizational infrastructure and investing in systems that support staff is critical and sets an organization up for sustainable success.

Consulting Services

  • Operations Management

    Sarah can help create order from chaos and help design processes and procedures to help your organization run more smoothly.

  • Human Resources

    Sarah can help perform audits of current systems to ensure compliance, provide tools, and help organizations bring their HR practices and policies into alignment with their values.

  • Nonprofit Finance

    If you need help with financial policies and procedures, assistance with implementing financial tools, or help preparing for your financial audit, Sarah has you covered.

  • Board Operations

    Sarah can help your board find the tools and training needed to get into compliance, increase member engagement, and improve its effectiveness.

  • Remote Work Tools

    Sarah has extensive experience with helping national nonprofit organizations implement tools and systems to support a remote workforce.

  • Public Speaking

    Sarah has presented on topics such as Leadership Diversity and how to move towards more equitable practices in the workplace.